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Jan 1 Sermon

A Prayer ... Of Praise Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him,  sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works! 1 CHRONICLES 16:8-9     Ecclesiastes 3:1-8     Genesis 1     Luke 1:1-25   Gods Creation and ordering of Heaven and Earth Genesis 1:1-2:3    



2023-10-17 Andrew and Kirsten

We are here today to celebrate the miracle of love. Andrew Wald and Kirsten Perry have found that miracle in each other and now desire to share their love all the days of their lives. Are both of you willing to give your hand to the one whose heart you hold?  (Both answer): Yes, we are.  Andrew do you have the ring for Kirsten? Please repeat after me Kirsten, this ring is a token of my love. / and a sign of my commitment. / I marry you with this ring, / with all that I h




Sikhism is classified as an Indian religion or Dharmic religion along with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. The basis of Sikhism lies in the teachings of Guru Nanak and his successors. Sikh ethics emphasize the congruence between spiritual development and everyday moral conduct. Sikh in Punjabi means “learner,” and those who joined the Sikh community, or Panth (“Path”), were people who sought spiritual guidance. Sikhs claim that their tradition has always been separate from Hinduism. Nevert




According to Taoist practice, at the deepest level of our being—in our spiritual essence—we are neither man nor woman. Learn how this concept applies throughout Taoism, including its history, scriptures, ceremonies, and tradition.



Baha’i Faith

Unlike the other traditions, the Baha’i Faith is relatively young but still has much to offer to the environmental discussion. As Peter Adriance and Arthur Dahl tell us in the overview essay, “the Bahá’í appreciation for nature goes far beyond its utilitarian value, to see it as a significant source of knowledge at the spiritual level.” But the spiritual is intimately and essentially interconnected with pressing, practical concerns, as “from a Bahá’í Faith perspective, the problems of ecology an



How to build Ceremony

The first step is to contact Rev.Dennis to get you setup with access and get introductions out of the way as well as reserve his services for your special day. Next, download the Wedding Ceremony Worksheet which looks like this (example of page1 of worksheet below. you can download from the Weddings club) You should have access to the Weddings area which you will find Ceremony as a tab which is where you will look through options Now you are viewing the Ceremony Blog,



Congratulations! You’re getting married

Congratulations Together we will create a Wedding Ceremony that both you and your guests will LOVE. Religious or Non-Religious, we (you two and myself) design a customized ceremony created just for you! I’m Rev.Dennis a Davison, MI-based officiant who crafts custom ceremonies. You and your guests may appreciate my down-to-earth, relevant, and personable style. You can call on this friendly professional to help create your dream wedding ceremony. I’m a Wedding Officiant that will work w



We pray for Deborah Michelle Dickson to recover

Yesterday Deb Dickson was like everyone else, doing the laundry, making dinner and went to bed thinking of what needs to be done the next day to keep her family going. During the night Deb got a brain aneurysm which is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain which ruptured and the doctors declared her brain dead. BELOW, reply and share a fond memory you have to spread what a wonderful person she was to those that may not have known your relationship with her.



Helping Build a Fence

Our friends need help to build a privacy fence since they are getting crazy high quotes of tens of thousands of dollars to build a simple privacy fence. Here are the basics on how I attack building a privacy fence Getting Started Preparation mark out where your fence is going call miss dig to make sure you aren't going to hit any under ground wiring get a building permit from your city measure the total area (length of each leg) to help price out mater



When COVID is Over

When this coronavirus is over and life returns to what we call normal, may we never, ever take for granted again..... A handshake or a kind word from a stranger A hug from a friend Worshipping with other believers in a crowded church service A boring night at home Full shelves at the grocery store A Friday night out with the wife or husband at your favorite restaurant Looking for a parking space at your kid's ballgame Coffee with a long-ti



A Done Deal

Col. 2:11-15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses (Colossians 2:13 KJV)    You have negotiated a contract. All parties are happy with the terms. The check is written. You are given title. The deed is conveyed to your name. The deal is done. And the good news is that you are not in debt. You h



K8 Strong the Journey

This journey I try and capture as much as I can as my wife battles cancer in hopes to help someone else that might be fighting cancer as well will have an idea of what to face which include the good and the bad. I'm writing this from the ER waiting room at the McLaren hospital in Flint, Michigan but let me explain how we got here. My wife, Kate (aka K8), has been feeling sluggish (no energy) and she has been loosing lots of weight without even trying.  Lack of wanting to eat which are




"'Purity?' they ask. And they smile. They are the ones who go on to marriage with worn-out bodies and disillusioned souls." - St. Josemaria Escriva In this day and age, when someone hears about Chastity they may think of abstinence, modesty, and celibacy. Those who practice these things are guarding themselves from certain aspects of sexuality. They resist the over-sexualization that is happening in American culture and are sometimes looked down on because of it. Being Chaste does not




"They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego-cage of 'I', 'me', and 'mine' to be united with the Lord. This is the supreme state."-Bhagavad Gita Humility, or being humble, is being respectful, submissive, and modest. It is the opposite of pride and arrogance and is considered a virtue by most major religions and philosophical traditions. We are most often humiliated when we lack humility. The challenge is that our nature compels us to want to feel powe



Does Michigan Law recognize you as a minister?

The simple answer is yes Michigan Marriage Code Michigan law states that a "minister of the gospel" may officiate at weddings. The language used may give the impression that the right is restricted to clergy of a specific religion, but it's actually just an older phrasing than most states use today - ministers of any religion are afforded equal rights in Michigan. Any clergyperson authorized by his or her religious organization to solemnize marriages may perform weddings in Michigan. T



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