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Davison Robotics



Davison Robotics is part of an extra curricular activity offered to students of the Davison Community Schools that offers the ability to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and is part of FIRST.  

Current Davison Community School FIRST Teams include:

  • Davison High School (Team 3534)
  • Davison Middle School (Team 10058, Team 9514 )
  • Davison Intermediate School ( )
  • Davison Elementary School ( )

EventGuyZ became a supporter and addressed the lack of a davisonrobotics.com website in early 2018.  They were using team3534.com but nothing to represent any of the other Davison Robotics teams so we registered davisonrobotics.com and created a general Davison Robotics logo


Then we created email accounts for the domain @davisonrobotics.com since the turnover on volunteers and board members is pretty often so when volunteers contact supporters and/or vendors the email will be saved for the next person.  All we do is setup a forward to personal email of volunteer so they can see the email come into there mailbox (still leaving the original in the mailbox on the server).  To respond, they can email with [email protected] so everything is saved.  All working beautifully.

Initial website used Wordpress which was slow... very very slow.  Was getting attacked on a regular basis (unsuccessfully) but the investment to build the website on Wordpress and add all the requested features was taking more money than we felt comfortable donating so we had to regroup and strategize on a better solution.  We ended up building an Invision Community website that was beautiful, functional and half the cost.  Also provided much better security.

Kids and Coaches were using the site successfully and then began the downward spiral which is why the website no longer exists.  We did this to help the kids and support volunteers since they are giving up their time to help the students be successful but being ungrateful for the thousands invested breaks that relationship very easily.

We wish Davison Robotics much success.  You can follow them on Facebook.



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