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AWAF Policies



Trying to migrate an LTM from old school to doing to via JSON and this particular LTM has AWAF Resource Provisioned so its what makes it difficult AND we are running version 15.x which only supports exporting policies into XML.  In newer versions (16.x and 17.x) the AWAF policies can be exported into JSON format.

We exported the policies and imported them and now when you go to a child policy and you want to update it, the settings are grayed out like shown here


But it use to look like this here where you can Add and do changes.



It took a minute to understand what's happening but I eventually discovered that inheritance is taking place so you could make the changes at the parent policy but it would affect all child policies.  If you want to edit just certain child policies then you will need to go to Inheritence Settings on the child policy and click Decline and you will see that button change from Decline to Declined.  Below is a picture of what it looks like..  (in red is declining inheritance and in gray it is keeping the inheritance)



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