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New Event Management App



Need to work on the development of the new Event Management Application for Invision Community Board version 5 when its released.

To be able to invest in the new development we need to do a few things first

  1. Acquire Funds (estimated cost will be close to 10k) by November 2023 should acquire the funds
  2. Write out project and expectations (can leverage some of what we are currently using)


  • Spreadsheets
  • Filemaker Pro database
  • Invision Community 3.x Brandon Davie (no longer doing development for IPB)
  • Invision Community 4.x Ahmed Zayed (appears to have lost interest in developing these apps)
  • Invision Community 5.x ?? (possibly Adriano Faria or Terabyte or InterMedia)


  1. Identify a developer that invests in app and can provide updates and support as needed (difficult to keep changing developers)
  2. Utilize website for each customer to leverage for all shows (use Mid-America Festivals as example)
  3. Services App would provide include Ticketing and Accounting
    1. Not mandatory but having a POS app that we could load on Android or iOS device that would accept info (even offline) and transfer to website when connection is re-established)
  4. Have the ability to export and import data for setup and transactions (preferable via CSV)
  5. Needs the ability to print reports with Logo included (possibly just use logo in header)


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