MAF User Management
This short article is helping explain how User Management works for the EventGuyZ system used for Mid-America Festivals.
MAIN SITE is this site ( which is where users should all be registered. Once the EventGuyZ staff is made aware of the new MAF user, they get added to a group on this website called MAF_Staff or MAF_Managers
What's the difference?
MAF_Staff will allow access to the Mid-America Festivals Staff Service/Group that provides visibility into how to perform certain functions from a Count Room and/or Box Office stand point.
MAF_Managers are typically from headquarters and/or Manager of Box Office or Count Room. So they needs access to Mid-America Festivals Mgmt Service/Group which helps them with there duties.
Now that you have all the users registered on and you informed EventGuyZ staff there role with MAF so the staff knows how to properly assign them to the necessary Service/Group. They are ready for the next step of authentication.
EventGuyZ is broken up into two main type of websites
- Main Website that handles all the users in one place as well as provides helpful information to do the job at a general level
Child Websites that are assigned to each show/festival. They utilize the authentication from the main website which means that the password and email you have configured on the main website is what you use on the child sites.
- BaRF (
- KCRF (
- MiRF (
- MnRF (
- StRF (
When someone from the Main Website logs into a Child Website, a EvenGuyZ staff will need to log into that website and approve the user (just the first time) and assign them access to the area they need which below are the Groups you will find on every one of Mid-Americas Child Websites
- MAF_BO_mgr (this is where you put your Box Office Managers and Assistant Managers that require elevated access to the Box Office system)
- MAF_CR_member (this is your money counters, they are processing the envelopes that are coming in to be entered into the Money Tracker app)
- MAF_CR_mgr (this is the Count Room manager that needs more access than a CR member since they will need to edit incorrectly entered transactions, run reports, etc)
- MAF_Managers (this is for Headquarters and people that travel to the shows like Ryan that could be coming into a show to back up a BO mgr or CR mgr so they need access to everything)
- MAF_Office (this is for office staff that needs the ability to add items into the Box Office system like Will Call or add tickets, discounts, coupons)
So never do you need to create a user on the Child Websites.. it will happen automatically as long as they have an account on the main website (
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